Wednesday, February 10, 2016

Keep on Moving

Things have been moving right along since Belle’s last chemo treatment.  We were able to get back up to the mountains for some skiing during the recent blizzard, last time we went was the weekend before we found out about her brain tumor.  Belle was concerned that she would get headaches but I reassured her that would not be the case…Michael, Isabelle and I had a great day of skiing up in Breck.  The drive home was as enjoyable as it took us 5 hours to get home!  So needless to say the kids hated the drive part of the two day trip but they both loved the skiing.  Can’t wait to get back to there soon! 

Sarah did not join us that weekend since she completed her last reconstructive surgery and also corrected a small hernia that she had on Jan. 29th.  So mom got to stay home and rest that weekend.  It’s good to know that Sarah is done with her process and it’s amazing that it’s been about 1 year since her diagnosis.  Time certainly does fly!  She did great with her surgery and is already back in OTF ready to get back into shape! 

Belle has been managing really well with the smaller chemo days (2nd and 3rd Fridays of the regiment).  It’s the 1st Friday of the cycle when she is getting the double dose that seems to knock her down and make her very tired and feeling icky.  This past Friday was a big chemo day (1st of this next cycle) so we were cautiously optimistic about what he weekend would be like plus we had the Broncos playing in the Super Bowl so we wanted everyone to be able to enjoy that game with us!  Fortunately we were able to have a SB party at our house just in case she was tired and wanted to rest!  May I just break for a moment and say how freaking awesome that game was and how great it is to have the Broncos be Super Bowl Champions again!  Anyways back to Belle….she did well Friday night but by mid-day on Saturday she was presenting with a slight fever about 100.6 which when on chemo is something to be concerned about.  Essentially a temp of 100 to 100.9 two times in hour requires blood draws to make sure the counts are ok.  By about 3:30 on Saturday the temp was up around 101.3 sooooo yeah time to go to the hospital!  Belle and I ventured over to Children’s south and they took great care of her and did a great job accessing her port…that’s always a concern!  Long story short we spent about 2 hours there and the CBC came back with her counts “normal”…..well normal for someone taking chemo.  So they said she probably just has a small virus and just to watch her to make sure she doesn’t take a turn for the worse.  So that was our first post chemo hospital visit…and hopefully our last! 

She started to feel a little better by the time Sunday rolled around and was ecstatic to see her friends.  She was able to get back to school on Tuesday.  She also had her last PT session and they said he is doing great…only a couple small things to work on otherwise they want to see her in a month to check on her progress.  One more thing checked off our list of things to overcome…..Way to go Belle! 

The CBD oils and THC tinctures are going well and she is at the recommended daily dose!  It took some time to get there and to figure out how to manage the THC dosage throughout the day such that she does not experience any psychotropic effects.  Funny story….after giving her night dose a little earlier than we normally do before bed…she ate her entire bowl of butter noodles from Noodles & Company, a granola bar, fruit chews, some cheese blocks and more than likely a couple other things…..point being her appetite certainly isn’t gone!  HAHA….I can say that the only time that she really isn’t in the mood to eat is about the 3 days following the 1st chemo cycle.  Otherwise she’s always hungry!  Many people ask if we think the oils are working……truth being it’s hard to say in regards to the tumor….is she doing well…YES! So in that regard I think it’s helping with the side effects of the chemo and making her feel better.  We will know after her next MRI beginning of March if it’s doing its job……I’m very optimistic and encouraged that we will get good news!  Too many people in the field of study and articles out there point to how successful this oil treatment can be for gliomas… yeah I think it’s working and doing what it needs to!  If you saw her and didn’t know anything about her condition you would never guess she has a brain tumor!  I can tell you that we have been flying through the oils so the generous donations from so many people out there are helping us tremendously with those current costs and the costs that will forever be with us!  Realm of Caring that helps with treatment doses and guidance for patients will be advising a maintenance dose of CBD’s most likely for the duration of her life.  So this will be a lifelong comment to giving Belle CBD oils…most likely we will be able to stop the THC once the tumor is completely gone!  That’s my thinking at least.  We are currently using Charlotte’s Web (The Stanley Bros out of Boulder) and The Remedy (out of Fort Collins)….best to go with local grown and high quality!  Way to go Colorado…. 

Things are good and we are just continuing to take one day at a time….we understand that we have a long road ahead of us but we know that we are taking all the necessary steps and precautions to get Belle healthy again!  She will just like her mother will kick cancer’s ass!  We are looking forward to the fundraising event at BCCF which should be a great time so I still want to encourage all of you reading this to please come out and support belle and give her a high-five and give some words of encouragement!  I don’t think I will be able to get her there by the 7 am WOD time but we will get her there as early in the morning as possible!  Her is the flyer again just as a reminder. 


The meal training is going well and we greatly look forward to that on those “chemo Fridays”….so thank you to Brooke Kelsey, Sarah Gates, and Jen Baker for providing us with such great meals so far!  The support continues to flow in from so many different areas which is so amazing and helpful!  We would not have the strength we do without each and every one of you out there helping us along the way.  I do want to take a minute and personally thank my cousin Tracie for helping us around the house and allowing us to just focus on Belle on those Fridays.  I also want to thank everyone that has taken time to bring by a special gift for Belle….those great gift baskets, blankets, stuffed animals, toys, coloring books, dolls, etc…..there are too many to name but I wanted to at least recognize all of you and how much that means to us and Belle!  The kid has definitely been spoiled lately!!!  I have trying to stay on top of all my GoFundMe “thank you” but I have fallen a little behind recently….I know I will get to all of them in time!  But those donation dollars go along way with her medical care in the cost of copays, medications (oils not covered by insurance or the use of a HSA card), imaging costs, etc!  We know that this year will be full of expenses and there will be more to coming as the years go on!  Just know that those donations are going to help us in a tremendous way!  So thank you from the bottom of our hearts for your kindness and generosity!  Belle is a fighter and she will continue fight every day!  Amen…. 

Thank you, 


God Bless!

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