Thursday, January 21, 2016

2nd chemo session done!

Belle’s Chemo Treatment

Since my last post…..Belle received her single dose of Vinblastine last Friday.  The process went very well and she seemed to be in a better mood for the most part that day.  I can certainly tell she does not enjoy Fridays…which I totally get!  We decided not to give her any of her anti-nausea medication this time to see how she managed after the chemo.  Overall I would say she did great!  No nausea, sickness, or apparent side-effects.  So far no significant side effects or apparent hair loss from the chemo…they did indicate some thinning is likely but nothing as of yet!

We have started on the cannabis oils…..administering them daily and increasing incrementally each day to get the recommended dosage.  She seems to be taking to the concept of taking daily drops of this mediation very well.  I told her that she has to keep in her mouth without washing it down with water for 10 seconds.  So she sits there and counts to 10 every time I give her the drops and then take a drink of the water.  It’s actually very cute to watch!
(Belle with her "Bag of Fun" donation from Children's Hospital)

We went to Cohen Medical Center on Tuesday to get her an official red card…..just trying to follow the law and make sure we are doing everything correctly.  That was quite an experience and there was a wide array of people there for what I could tell was for many different reasons.  I can tell you that Belle was the youngest patient in there by 25 years!  We met with two doctors per state law (minors are required to be cleared by 2 MD’s), first was a cosmetic surgeon and the other was a well-versed clinician (Dr. Cohen himself), I would say he was in his mid-80s.  It was a very pleasant experience as Dr. Cohen said that he has seen this regiment of THC and BCD oils work and work well for brain gliomas.  He even commented on a various clinical papers that he read from University of Colorado Hospital from the 80’s that substantiated the validity of THC and CBD oils killing cancer!  Works for me….one more testament to this regiment working!  We immediately left there to get the tinctures (THC extract) so that we could begin that process ASAP!  This aspect of her medication regiment obviously gives us a little concern since we are giving our child THC but rest assured the first drop she took went well and there were no visual signs of the THC being in her system so just like the CBD oil we will slowly begin to administer more over the next week or so to get her to the advised dosage!  If you had told me a year ago today that we would be in the situation with Sarah being diagnosed with breast cancer, my sweet Belle being diagnosed with a brain tumor and us beginning to administer medicinal marijuana to my 7 year old for treatment…..I would laughed and said no freaking way!

Isabelle has also be selected to participate in an official clinical trial/study sponsored by Children’s Hospital to monitor and follow children using cannabis oils to treat cancer.  She is 1 of 150 kids in the nation currently participating in this study.  Tells me there is something there and some founding information that shows that this actually WORKS!  Apparently the grant is fairly big so bravo to Children’s for starting this process to potentially give other families in the future hope that they rightfully deserve.  I wish the study included administering or providing the actual cannabis oil and THC extract but due to state regulations they cannot use grant/state funds for that purpose so buying this is all on us!  So the donations that are coming are so helpful because this will not be cheap but it’s obviously well worth it!

I can tell you at no point did any doctor or oncologist recommend this as a treatment option….sad but true!  Given no official stamp of approval by the FDA or government will prevent a licensed clinician from saying so!  That’s my opinion…So in that regard I want to thank Jianna Wright from the bottom of my heart for taking the time to share a simple article about a 18 month child whose brain tumor was completed cured by utilizing cannabis oil and THC to eliminate a stage IV glioblastoma!  Without that article I would have never even thought of this for Belle….obviously time will tell if this is effective but I can’t say enough about how much I appreciate Jianna for sharing that with us so we can begin this journey with Belle.  As you can probably tell we are so optimistic and have so much hope that this will aid in the process and kill that tumor and heal my Belle. 

Other than that PT is coming along so well that Belle is even starting to run a little and things are almost back to normal, she still struggles with going down stairs a little bit as you can see she has to check herself sometimes and you can see on rare occasions she may stumble a little bit….but I can tell you that the physical therapist are amazed by her progress from where she shortly after she had surgery.  She a trooper and just continues to improve every day. 

I did want to share a special moment I had with Belle last night that made me see how truly strong my daughter is!  So Belle very rarely cries about this and is quick to just say I don’t want to talk about it!  That’s her way of dealing with cancer…fine by me baby girl…you don’t want to talk about it now…no big deal, I’m right here if and when you do!  So I was just sitting at the dinner table with Belle before bedtime eating a bowl of cereal and helping her with her math homework.  I was thinking about how normal it felt!  I started to think how appreciative I am for so many of you out there helping out in so many different ways and putting my family first in your lives and looking out for our best interests and I was just overcome by that love & support that everyone is providing….I started to cry and Belle always gets a little concerned when Sarah or I cry….she seems to know that we are crying because of her struggle and that she’s fighting cancer.  She stood up and said “Are you crying daddy?  What’s wrong?”  I said “nothing is wrong baby, I’m just so happy that there are so many people out there that love YOU and are supporting YOU!”……..her respond was so priceless…she put both her little hands on my cheeks and looked me straight in the eye and said “Don’t worry daddy….I’m going to beat cancer!”……that kiddo melts my heart!   She is so amazing! I can’t say enough about the fight and will in that little girl….something to truly admire!  Fight Belle Fight…Stay Strong!  She definitely keeps us going….

Things are moving along and just taking one day at a time.  We try and not look to far ahead.  We do have Sarah’s final reconstructive surgery on the January 29th so that will be good for her to close that chapter of her life and forge ahead!  I like to think that the McAllister’s are badasses at kicking cancers ass!  It’s not something that we asked for but we will go through this journey with God carrying us along the way!

My cousin Carrie sent us a nice card along with some biblical verses that she said has helped her through difficult times.  I wanted to share two with you that seemed to touch home:

Isaiah 41:10 – “So do not fear, for I am with you; do not be dismayed, for I am your God.  I will strengthen you and help you; I will uphold you with my righteous right hand”

Psalms 103:2-4 – Praise the Lord, my soul, and forget not all his benefits – who forgives all your sins and heals your diseases, who redeems your life from the pit and crowns you with love and compassion.

Life isn’t always a walk in the park…..there will be times of tragedy and heartache but there will also be joyous moments and times of celebration!  Enjoy life my friends and be thankful for the all you have…I know I am and I appreciate so much of what life offers!
Until next time….thank you as always for all the support and love…continue to say those prayers fgor Belle and her healing so God hears us! Without all of you out there helping us this journey would be much more difficult to navigate!
Remember to mark your calendars for the fundraiser at BBCF on February 27th and help support Belle!  I will post the flier again as we near the fundraiser date!

Thank you,


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